After doing assignment 3, I found that group assignment is very important. In our group assignment, we shared our ideas and combined all together. This might help us in the future as designers mostly work together, so discussion is very important.
Before this assignment, I was very confused about problem statement and research support. With the help of my group members, I learned how to do a final slide proposal better. Futhermore, each of our group members has their own adept. In this circumstances, we are learning from each other. For exmaple, Villson knows how to use Sketch Up which is a software for interior design. He taught us how to use it and this technique might be useful for our future, who knows?
For other groups, their presentations are doing quite well. However, I think some groups presentation slides included too many words. I would suggest to simplify a bit or highlight the main point. Plus, they could have add some pictures to attract audiences attention.
Conclusively, I did not do well in my presentation as I talked too fast and did not notice that audiences might not understand what I wanted to explain. For other group members, they did their best on the presentation. Some of them have overcome their shyness of presenting in front of everyone.