Photography Exhibition
Street Photography
K u a l a L u m p u r

Grit & Grace
After visiting SC Shekar photography exhibition and after listening to his talk, I learned some techniques for shooting photos. He also mentioned that, do not go for a certain style, but explore more things differently.
To take good photos, we were advised to practice every single day, just like drawing and playing musical instruments. Practice makes perfect.
3 photos I like the most taken by SC Shekar

I found this photo very interesting because the land looks wide and shadows of the clouds reflected on the land. The shadows just like the effect, it gives the valuable in it.
I like this photo because the buildings and the mist effect are perfectly harmonized. Overall it shows the deepness and the tone very well.

For this photo, I like how the objects composed. It shows the nearer objects and the far objects beautifully with a curve line, which makes the photo more special.
Street photography
taken by Kitty Lai Yung Syn

S.S 1/100 F 22.0 ISO 100

S.S 1/100 F 11.0 ISOL 100

S.S 1/100 F 3.5 ISOL 100

S.S 1/100 F 5.6 ISOL 100

S.S 1/100 F 22.0 ISOL 100

S.S 1/100 F 22.0 ISOL 100

S.S 1/100 F 9.0 ISOL 100

S.S 1/100 F 3.5 ISOL 100

S.S 1/100 F 16.0 ISOL 100

S.S 1/100 F 22.0 ISOL 100