
What is monogram?
[ scroll down to see the progress of designing a logo ]
What is monogram? Monogram is a motif of two or more letters, typically a person's initials, usually interwoven or otherwise combined in a decorative design, used as a logo or to identify a personal possession. After I designed my logo, I did a few items that represent part of me.
1st item# box

This is my first monogram item. It is a box that contains all my remaining monogram items inside. The reason is because I like to keep my things together so that it looks neat and tidy.
2nd item# Jenga
Jenga! I assume all of you played this before right? Jenga reminds me of my cousins and my friends in Sandakan. I really miss them a lot.
Number 12 is my class number in Form 5. It's my lucky number, because my teacher always skip my number when she's calling the class numbers to answer her questions.

3rd item# Mini Camera Keychain

Keeping all the memories of my family and my friends is a must!
I still remember the last photo I took with one of my best friends was 4 years ago. I could only look at the photo we took when I miss her.
Without memories, who am I?
4th item# Wooden Block

I used a woodblock to represent my hometown which is in Sabah. I drew myself and my grandma on it. Before I had this idea in my mind, she already passed away and I couldn't go to her funeral in time to see her. That's why by doing this artwork, I hope that she will be in my memory forever.
5th item# Spatula&Apron

I love cooking! That's why I chose spatula and apron as my items.
I didn't find cooking interesting and so much fun until my family moved to Kota Kinabalu last year December. I started learn how to cook and how to bake by searching online and asking my mom.

The process of Monogram
I did a few designs by using the letter of my name. Most of the designs are shapes, evoluted from "KLYS".
Development 1#

For development 1, I chose 3 logos that I like the most to develope.
Development 2/3#
For development 2 & 3, I used tracing paper to traced my final logo. All the strips are the ideas for the logo.