Tools & Techniques Exploration

By using different tools, the tone and the texture of the drawing can be different. For example, artline pen is more suitable for drawing cartoons or anime as the lines are very stiff, it might not suitable for sketches.


Collage looks very easy, but actually you have to understand the colours matching, space and position, so that it will not look boring. In addition, collage is another way to understand more about myself, like paste anything you like or words that describe myself.

Unconventional Self-portrait

I love sketching very much as well as continues line. Sketching my self-portraits is also an opportunity to understand myself more because I took more time to look at the details on my face. Continues line drawing is very helpful for my observing skills. Through practices, I can see more details of the object.

This is my final artwork for assignment 1. After my experiences in this month, I have learned a lot of new things. Not only the techniques I learned in class, I learned different techniques and creative skills from friends too. A beautiful artwork is not how realistic and how perfect it is, a beautiful artwork talks and spread the message to other people. The style of my artwork is unique because this is me, an artwork about myself. So from this assignment, I started to think of designing my own cover of my notebook or sketchbook, and let the impossible be possible.
Final Artwork

References [Click into the picture and go to the link]